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Intro to 3D Animation: Blender (online)

Taught by

William Dyer

image of a 3D animated scene of a girl playing chess
3d walk cycle
image of the Blender workplace with two models staged for a scene

Please register to take this course


Stay tuned for our Fall run of this class!


Zoom (online)


Come learn Blender! It’s a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software that artists are using to create incredible films and media art! In this course, participants will learn the basics of Blender while learning how to rig and animate. This is a great introductory course to 3D animation!

*Note: this is an online course. A webcam is required as well as a computer that will support Zoom. We will provide the Blender installation instructions ahead of the course as well as the required Zoom link(s)*

There is no class on Thanksgiving Monday (October 9th) and during the week of GIRAF19 (November 13th)

Optional tablet rentals are available through Quickdraw - email production@quickdrawanimation.ca

For further information feel free to contact education@quickdrawanimation.ca, call 403-261-5767, or visit our offices. There are payment plans available if the course's price is at all a barrier to you.

  • A computer that can run Zoom with a webcam
  • Blender install (v. 3.6.1) - www.blender.org
  • several 3D animation exercises to make you more familiar with the software Blender
  • learn texturing, animation, modelling and basic rigging