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Code of Conduct

Code of Professional Conduct 

Online ethics and rules

The Code of Professional Conduct indicates the expected standards of professional conduct for participants participating in online events/classes hosted by the Quickdraw Animation Society but is not an exhaustive list of such standards. In the event that the set standards are not met by a participant, they will be given up to one warning depending on the circumstance of the misdemeanour. If participants continue to ignore the set standards, they will be removed from the event/class and all equipment/software shall be returned immediately. In such a case, they will NOT receive a refund. Quickdraw has no tolerance for ignorance or misconduct. We pride ourselves on being a safe space of inclusivity and community which applies to our online services, workshops, classes etc. 

In relation to other participants

Zoom offers online private chatting between participants. Thus the following standards apply in relation to conduct between course/event participants.

  1. Participants will treat each other in a manner that respects the dignity and rights of all persons without prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical characteristics, disability, marital status, family status, age, ancestry, place of origin, place of residence, socioeconomic background, or linguistic background. 
  2. In the event that there are minors participating in the course/event, private chats between mature and underage members will be disabled. Participants may still converse in the group chat. 
  3. Participants, when on camera, will dress appropriately as if they were in a physical space with the other participants. This includes wearing proper clothing ie. shirt and pants. If the participant does not wish to comply with this rule, they may choose to keep their camera turned off during the event. 
  4. When giving feedback about other participant’s work, participants will do so in a professional constructive way and give reasons as to why they feel this way . There shall be no feedback given without request by the animator that the work pertains to.
  5. In the event of mistreatment, participants will inform staff immediately so the situation can be dealt with in an orderly fashion and the proper steps can be taken to ensure the safety of all parties.

In relation to QAS staff 

  1. Participants will treat staff in a manner that respects the dignity and rights of all persons without prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical characteristics, disability, marital status, family status, age, ancestry, place of origin, place of residence, socioeconomic background, or linguistic background.
  2. Participants will respect the specific times given for technical support. If required to make an appointment with specific staff, they will do so and arrive at their appointment on time so as to keep staff on schedule and not take away staff time from other participants. 
  3. When staff are giving instructions, participants will mute their mics and respond at the appropriate times in order for everyone to receive the important information they require for a great course/event.
  4. Quickdraw will not tolerate mistreatment of staff in any way. If such conduct occurs, the aforementioned removal of the individual (or group) from the course/event will pertain. 

In relation to QAS equipment 

Some participants may opt into renting equipment from Quickdraw for the duration of the course/event in which the following standards apply

  1. Participants will treat the equipment with respect. They will not download, update, or use the equipment for anything other than the specified project they are creating for the course/event. 
  2. Participants will not use equipment for any unprofessional or illegal conduct. If the equipment has been found to have been used for either, proper steps will be taken in direct correlation to the act in question (ie. possible legal action). 
  3. In the event of damage to the equipment, participants will let staff know immediately and a discussion will follow about reimbursement to Quickdraw for the repair/ replacement of such equipment. Circumstance will be taken into account.
  4. Participants will pick up the equipment during the designated pick up time, no earlier and no later. Special circumstances may be considered with proper communication to staff beforehand. 
  5. Participants will drop off equipment immediately after the course/event finishes during the designated drop off times, so that equipment can be properly sanitized and put back into rental circulation for other member use. Special circumstances may be considered with proper communication to staff beforehand. 


Written May 9/2020 – applies to all virtual events, classes, workshops etc. 2020