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Richard Reeves

A kinetic film scratcher, visual music maker, animated traveler of time and space, light sensitive, looper of loops and collector of motion picture projection bulbs to bring total enlightenment.

A table in Richard Reeves' studio, covered in analog film, scissors, rulers, and scratch-film tools

Richard Reeves is a kinetic film scratcher, visual music maker, animated traveler of time and space, light sensitive, looper of loops and collector of motion picture projection bulbs to bring total enlightenment.

For today's spotlight, Richard has shared some glimpses behind the scenes of his last cameraless masterpiece-in-progress:

"Recently I have been working on a new 4 minute film called ‘Intersextion’.
The film is about two abstract energies falling in love, uniting as one then disappear into a vanishing point.
The technique is drawing on film.
I started with drawing optical sounds directly onto 35mm film. These sounds were played back on my upright Moviola and recorded into a computer. In the computer I was able to create compositions.
Once the compositions were complete the audio was sent to a lab to be converted back to 35mm film.
Then I had one work print made from the optical negative. This work print allows me to breakdown the sounds frame by frame.
As each sound is frame numbered from 1 to 5978 they are then logged into a book (these use to be called dope sheets or exposure pads) anyway this is how I reference the sounds on any given frame to apply images.
At the moment I am completing the sound breakdown, images will begin soon."

See more of Richard's work at

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