Please register to take this course


One full academic year of access to screenings links of films and interviews


PAW Packs are packages that contain animations from all around the world that cover Complex themes, and with the help of consultants within the communities represented, contain Unit Plans based on the animations, animation activities that relate to the animation and theme, and interviews with the filmmakers. The goal of our PAW packs is to spread the love of independent animation while also showing artistic choices made by filmmakers to communicate various topics.

*please register to request your film(s), and we will get back to you with payment information and further actions to ensure you have everything you need to teach with the resources and materials we've designed**

PAW Pack Themes:

  • Indigenous Perspectives (grades: 4-12)
  • Environmental Awareness (grades: 2-6)
  • Deaf and Disability (grades: 3-6)
  • LGBTQ2S+ (grades: 7-12)


  • Full PAW Pack (4 films): $100/school year
  • One PAW Pack Film: $25/school year

**Price covers artist fees for the animations and interview screenings. All lesson plans and printable learning materials are one-time purchase.**

PAW Pack Info

  • Screening links to high-quality, closed-captioned animations for each theme.
  • Screening links to interviews between our Theme Consultant and the Filmmaker for each animation.
  • Unit Plan containing an average of 2-3 lesson plans per film, broken down into a Film Comprehension lesson, a Thematic understanding lesson, and an Animation Activity Lesson.
  • Printable handouts and animation activities.
  • Bonus Media Assets where relevant.
  • Step-by-step instructions on using Free Animation software and resources where relevant.
  • Curriculum checklists for various ages and curriculum connections for old and new Alberta Curriculum.

"Register" for our PAW Packs. Upon completion of the registration, you will be emailed all of the details so that you can receive the Google Drive permissions that contain all of the assets for your film(s) that you have "rented".

That's the thing - you don't!
The "rental" fee is exclusively to pay the artists that created the animation and provided their insight through interviews with our consultants. After the purchase of a PAW Pack, any lesson materials and plans are yours to own, whereas the rental fee covers your access to the links of the FILMS and INTERVIEWS until the end of the academic year.


One PAW Pack Rental is considered a School-wide rental. You may use the Pack for any and all teachers in your school for one academic year. Simply make sure to alert us for which contacts should also have permission to access the Pack(s).

If you have any questions about Quickdraw’s PAW programming including PAW Packs, please drop us a line and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you!

PAW Pack Films and Units

*Please note that the grade-ranges are estimates - animation and lessons are for all ages!

  • Darkening - Abbey Bennet
    Rotoscoping, Emotional Expression
  • Dancer and the Crow - Iris Moore
    Puppet-making, "Who should tell a story?"
  • Open Recess - Amy Xu
    Morph animations, flipbooks, story writing
  • How Life Is - The Future Perfect Project
    Storyboarding, self-identity
  • The Fourfold - Alisi Telengut
    Stop Motion, Animism, Relationship with living things
  • RKLSS - Tank Standing Buffalo
    Thaumatropes, Elder wisdom, Prisoner's Justice Day, Emotional Expression
  • Dancers of the Grass - Melanie Jackson
    Phenakistoscope, Hoop Dancing and Pow wows
  • Mountain of SGaana - Christopher Auchter
    Storyboarding/roll and flip animation, Oral Traditions
  • Hedgehog's Home - Eva Cvijanović
    Roll and Flip animation, Home Identity
  • Invention of Less - Noah Erni
    Lip Syncing, climate crisis
  • Birdlime - Evan DeRushie
    Thaumatropes, exotic pets and habitats
  • Drop - Jáchym Bouzek and Karina Casañas
    stop motion animation, endangered species
  • Sense of Touch - Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo
    Stop motion animation loops, deafness and communication
  • La Coquille - Camera ETC
    puppet-making, general disability awareness
  • Unbound - Jemima Hughes
    stop motion animation, shape theory, wheelchair user, Assistive Technology
  • John and Michael - Shira Avni
    Palimpsest/under-the-camera animation, Dignity


PAW Packs provided by

Canada Council for the Arts logo in grayscale

PAW Pack Theme Consultants

LGBTQ2S+ - Mike Hooves

Indigenous Perspectives - Kes Lefthand

Deaf and Disability - Connor Yuzwenko-Martin

Environment - Chrissy Levett

PAW Packs Curriculum Consultants

John Chaulk - Elementary School

Sandra D'Angelo - Deaf and Disability Plans

Trevor Cooper - LGBTQ2S+ and junior/senior high school

PAW Packs Interview Production

Editor - Noelle Fuschs

Captioning - Cole Binder

Graphics - Theresa Pinhey

Special Thanks

Janet Hughes

The Parrot Sanctuary

Regan Macaulay

Bastien Martin

Jane Gutteridge

Benny Candie

All of the participants in Camera ETC’s workshop series for La Coquille

LearnBright lesson plan resources

Saltillo Communication Board resources