Register now for our online grant writing workshop to prepare for those pesky deadlines!

Grant Writing Workshop (online)

Taught by

Carol Beecher

An image of strange alien beings that are in the shape of pills. They are huge, and one of them is just the skeleton.
Dark blue tones, show a series of cracked skulls decorated with Day of the Dead imagery
A sepia-toned image of a group of men on a canoe in a river. One man is wearing a top hat and is standing up in the canoe, brandishing a shotgun

Registration is now closed.


February 09, 2025

1:00pm - 4:00pm


Zoom (online)


Some important grant deadlines are quickly approaching and we want YOU to apply, apply APPLY!!! You've got the idea ruminating in your head and the talent to back it up! Why not apply for the money to fund your masterpiece and get paid to do what you love?! Quickdraw helps animators apply for grants every year with great success and we need animation more now than ever before! Join us in the online grant writing workshop to better your chances of writing a successful grant application with the help from Carol Beecher, an animator that has been awarded numerous grants over the years for various projects and has also sat on the jury multiple times. Carol will provide resources, examples, and advice, so bring your draft applications, support materials and notebooks!

After you register, we'll send you the Zoom Meeting link so you can join us safely from the comfort of your own home!

*NOTE: This is an online workshop, so a computer with Zoom and a webcam/microphone is required to participate.

Workshop Details

  • A computer that can run Zoom with a webcam
  • Documents and resources for writing an effective grant (focused mostly on AFA grants for pre- post- and production of independent animated films, however it's applicable to most media grants)
  • Personal advice for any presented grant application drafts - let us know and we'll read it through!