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CALL FOR: Indigenous Animator and Video Producer for the Calgary Public Library

The Calgary Public Library would like to hire an Indigenous animator and video producer to help make a Land Acknowledgement video that uses their new flannel board land acknowledgement learning tool.

About the Project:

The Calgary Public Library would like to hire an Indigenous animator and video producer to help the Library make a Land Acknowledgement video that uses their new flannel board land acknowledgement learning tool. Indigenous producers and animators and non-indigenous animators and producers are welcome to apply

What the heck is a flannel board land acknowledgement learning tool?

A Flannel board is a board covered in felt or flannel, with cut out of flannel or fabric images that you can use to tell a story.

Here is an Example:

images of flannel cutouts of an Alberta map, the Indigenous four wheel symbol, the rocky mountains, a buffalo, a teepee, and a beaver.

The Library hired an artist (Trissa Meguinis) to make these flannel board pieces to help share about Treaty 7 land acknowledgement, which will be used in the Land Acknowledgement video

The Library created a number of these Treaty 7 flannel board sets, which are used by Library staff to deliver land acknowledgements during programs.

The Video Gig

The Library wishes to make a Land Acknowledgement video using the Flannel Board pieces above. The video will be used by teachers to help them use the flannel board sets in the classroom. The Library is looking to hire a Producer and Animator, or someone who can fill both roles.


Someone who will organize all the elements of the shoot, from budget and script development and approval with the library, to organizing live action and animation shoots, to editing, client approval, and post-production. Approximate total length of the final video: 3 minutes.

When you quote on the pay you expect for this role, include ALL costs including hiring crew to shoot, light, edit, animate and complete the entire video.


Will work with the Producer and the Library to bring the land acknowledgement to life via stop-motion animation of the Flannel Board pieces. Includes planning, storyboards, approval, animation, editing, and library approval. Approximate length: 1 to 2 minutes.

When you quote the remuneration you expect for this role, include ALL costs it will require to shoot the animation.

Budget: The Quickdraw Animation Society advocates for a generally minimum cost of $50 to $100 per second of finished animation, and a minimum rate of $25/hour. Be sure to take this into account in your budgeting. Also, plan for things to take longer than you think!

Project Details

Casey Corneil will be the lead contact for this project: casey.corneil@calgarylibrary.ca

The Script will be written by Kelli Morning Bull

The Actor will be a Library Staff Member

Possible Script Beats

An actor talking to the camera, and placing items on a flannel board.

Zoom in to the flannel board. The pieces come to life and animate the land acknowledgement.

Zoom out to the actor, who summarizes what has been shared.


If you are interested in working with the Library to create a really cool land acknowledgement, please send the following to Casey Corneil: casey.corneil@calgarylibrary.ca by May 25, 2022.

  • The Role you are applying for (Animator, Producer, or both)
  • Your Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Website or Instagram or Facebook or work sample
  • Expected Fee
  • References

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