From Script to Board - Masterclass workshop with Aardman story artist Lizzie Houldsworth - presented May 2


Mackenzie Bedford, local artist, is seeking an assistant to help with an immersive animation projection mapped project

Project Description:

COSMIC TRIP is an immersive installation featuring abstract cosmic shapes and colours meant to act as a transporter for isolation-fatigued visitors. Participants are encouraged to stand inside the projection, dance, act, create shadows, and post their experiences on social media!
Visitors are encouraged to play and bask in the light and be part of the intergalactic journey!
This project is led by local artist Mackenzie Bedford. Starting at Quickdraw Animation Society in 2018, Mackenzie learned to animate with the goal of creating projection art. Using the foundations built at QAS, Mackenzie became part of the 2021 cSPACE Artist Incubator series, where she learned the basics of projection mapping. Since then they have gone on to create several collaborative projection experiences and community endeavours to create more opportunities for other new media artists.

image of someone in front of an abstract projection map

Preferred Skills:

The successful candidate will have an interest in 2D or 3D animation and/or an interest in projection mapping.

No specific technology skills required, but comfort wiht the programs and equipment listed below may be seen as an asset:

  • Madmapper
  • QLab
  • Blender
  • Adobe Suite: After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop
  • SLR Camera
  • Video Recording


$250 for two 4 hour meetings totalling 8 hours.

Length of Contract:

Assistant must be available for a pre-production/setup meeting (4 hours) to take place between Sept 12 - 16th for installing the work at cSpace, monitoring the work, and uninstalling the work on Sept 17th.

Starting Date of Contract:

Hiring decision will happen between September 2 - 11th.

Description of duties for contract:

The Assistant will:

  • Meet and work directly with Mackenzie, learning projection mapping skills.
  • Help install and take down the installation
  • Help document the installation with photos and video


Please send your CV and a letter of interest to with the subject line "COSMIC TRIP - Assistant: YOUR NAME". If you have animation or video work feel free to include in your application through internet links. No work will be downloaded.

A letter of interest should include:

  • Who you are
  • How this project relates to your art practice or education
  • What relatable skills you may bring to the project
  • Your history with the Quickdraw Animation Society

Deadline to Apply: August 29th, 2022 at 5pm MST

This application is open to individuals of all races, genders, sexualities, backgrounds and abilities. Our studios are mostly accessibly to those with mobility issues but not entirely - our main facility is accessible to wheelchair-users. Please let us know if accessibility would be of concern in your application and we will work to make sure to accommodate so that this is a great experience for you.