Sacha Michaud
2019-21 Chris J Melnychuk Scholarship Recipient
About Sacha Michaud
Sacha currently works in social work, finding homes for folks. She loves using art in her work, because it is fun and it helps people see themselves. She has also owned a popsicle stand, went to massage school in Hawaii and made a bunch of props for films.
About Sacha's Scholarship Film (in her own words):
In my job, I work with many people who choose to sleep outside rather than access our local network of shelters. Most have lived outside for many years, in all seasons and conditions; tucked under bridges, in our parks and green spaces, behind buildings, in sheds and cars. They are dynamic and resilient. My scholarship project will be a 4-5 minute stop-motion film, exploring the stories and experiences of this population. The story, set and characters will be developed with ongoing input from people with this lived experience.
The overall goal of this project is to humanize this experience. To challenge our collective tendency of othering those who live in unfamiliar ways. And to highlight the commonality in both our struggles, and in our quiet but unyielding desire to be free.