Grant Writing Season is upon us! Click here to register for our online grant writing workshop

Alternative Techniques in Animation (in-person)

Taught by

Natasha Jensen

Taught by

Joanne Fisher

Taught by

Caitlin Thompson

screenshot from "Stache and the Inner Walk" by Joanne Fisher (2020). Salvador Dali looks unimpressed upon his moustache walking on a yellow surface
a patchwork of an eyeball looking up. The various fabrics making up the patchwork have different colours and patterns including flowers, stars, and dots

Registration is now closed.


Stay tuned if we run another round of this class with new instructors!


2011 10 ave SW Calgary, AB


About the Course

Jump into a new world of animation and techniques!

This course is designed to get your hands dirty - you've learned the basics in our Animation Fundamentals class, now you want to experience how different artists approach "animation" as an artistic medium! With three excellent independent animators providing insight into their work and mentoring you through the process, learn and make animations using different techniques that aren't limited to "drawing" and "picture-taking!"

This course is split into three main "workshops" that cover different techniques in animation. Each "workshop" is 4 classes long, where you'll be introduced to each technique, receive demonstrations and tips&tricks, and given ample time to mess around and make stuff!

**You must pay for the full experience, currently there is no option to only take "one" of the workshops. The course is designed to include transitions and segues into each subject.

Meet the Instructors

Animating Without Drawing - Natasha Jensen
A previous CJM recipient, Natasha is a talented animator and artist who specializes in "Animating without drawing". Natasha will bring the idea of animating using found footage, archival images, and collage to bring your own style without the worry of being "a good artist". What does "experimental" mean to you? What's the most important part about bringing images to life?

Paint-on-Glass Animation - Joanne Fisher

Another previous CJM recipient and current animator on many-a-Quickdraw projects, Joanne will show how to get nice and dirty with paint-on-glass techniques. How do you set up your station? How do you prepare your colours? How do you mix the media? Play and fingerpaint like you've never done before.

Animated Loops with Textiles - Caitlin Thompson

An excellent independent artist and master of patterns, Caitlin Thompson will introduce participants to the basic principles of looping animations. Animation is to make something come alive, and when we look at looping gifs, the repetitive action becomes endearing to us. Participants will use textile cut-outs to invent characters and respond to patterns through simple movements. 

Course Information

A basic understanding of animation is an asset, but this is your chance to play in the mud so we're more than happy to accept anyone excited to try something new!

Make it a full-semester project or make it three smaller ones, make stuff! That's the goal - MAKE STUFF

Natasha Jensen

Joanne Fisher

Caitlin Thompson